Monika Pagneux

Peter Brook on Monika: “Pagneux Monika’s work is original, it is all her own.  She has built it up carefully over many, many years and has inspired countless students and professionals all over the world. It is concrete, it is precise but it is not technical. It is about life, it is for life and can only be brought into the field of theatre when theatre is truly searching for moments of truth. Her book … and film are of universal importance and must be cherished.”  Paris, December 20, 2012

41iqzxHFnJL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU02_After many years, Monika Pagneux, one of Europe’s leading exponents of movement in contemporary theatre, allowed Robert Golden to make a film and publish a book about her work.  INSIDE/OUTSIDE, book and film about Monika Pagneux.

Monika Pagneux is one of Europe’s leading exponents of movement in contemporary theatre. She studied and worked with Mary Wigman, Jacques Lecoq, Moshé Feldenkrais, Peter Brook, Complicite and many more teachers, actors, dancers and directors.

Robert Golden has written and directed two award winning feature films, over 30 documentaires, mostly about food, culture and the arts and has lit and directed 900 commercials for television.  He has photo-illustrated many books, including 11 photo-documentary books about people working and unemployment and has authored two books about photography. His book “Inside/Outside” about Monika Pagneux is an invaluable work for theatre practitioners and artists in all fields.